Lao Tzu said "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be"
I fell in love with Lao Tzu in college and have found his teachings to speak truth to several different chapters in my life. I even strategically place his quotes in my husband's lunch when I think he needs a little push of support.
The quote above strikes me as important in the transition from person to parent. For years, you are an independent version of yourself. A series of defining and redefining self lyrically colors your life for years until one day you become someone's better half. You then become self in relation to the other half.
What happens when you become a parent? At birth, my daughter did not care about my less than winning athletic history. She was not even a bit concerned with what college I attended. My social status had no bearing on what she needed from me. And yet, my social status changed completely with her arrival.
At first, there was excitement and then the truth that life had changed forever began to set in. My husband and I spent much of her first year sharing our feelings regarding how our identities changed with her presence. At first it was such a struggle until one day, we realized that while we didn't have to let go our identities as individuals, we did need to make space for a new identity. Mom and Dad.
We continue to make space to become what we might be.